Astanza Vydence Etherea MX IPL-SQ
Astanza Vydence Etherea MX IPL-SQ –
The next generation of laser and light-based platform technology – Offering multiple applications in one system, ETHEREA is capable of effectively providing a suite of the most popular aesthetic treatments. Developed and designed with the knowledge and expertise acquired over years of experience in the aesthetic market, the platform benefits from a combination of proven technology and a robust design, ensuring maximum uptime and effective results.
Product Information:
Manufacturer: Astanza/Vydence
Model: Etherea
S/N: —
MFR Date: —
Astanza Vydence Ethera MX System
Astanza Vydence Handpico 1064/532nm Handpiece
Astanza Vydence Dual Pro Deep 1340nm Handpiece
Astanza Vydence Astanza 2940nm Er:YAG Dual Handpiece
Astanza Vydence IPL SQ Handpiece
Astanza Vydence Acroma 1064/532nm Handpiece
Astanza Vydence Longpulse 1064nm Handpiece
Astanza Vydence GoSmooth 1540nm Er:YAG Handpiece
Power Cable
Maximum versatility with multiple handpieces and multiple options – In addition to the most complete IPL technology on the maret, with 5 different wavelengths available, the ETHEREA-MX has additional handpiece with a broad selection of wavelengths and spot sizes.
Featuring seven different handpieces and a total of five wavelengths, the EthereaMX can perform over 70 FDA-cleared treatment indications. The EthereaMX‘s adjustable spot sizes, advanced optical precision, and increased safety features allow practitioners to treat all skin types.
Astanza Vydence Etherea MX IPL-SQ
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